Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Recent haiku

snowed in . . .
fire wraps
around a log

The Heron's Nest v.10:1, March 2008
A New Resonance 6, Red Moon Press 2009

spring —
the pause before
she pulls a sapling

The Heron's Nest v.10:2, June 2008
A New Resonance 6, Red Moon Press 2009

steady drizzle
strand by strand
a robin’s nest

The Heron's Nest vol.10:3, Sept. 2008

morning chill
a child’s shadow
moves thru mine

The Heron's Nest vol.10:4, Dec. 2008
A New Resonace 6, Red Mood Press 2009

starry night . . .
a worn phone number
in the handbook

for Bill, Wm. J. Higginson
The Heron's Nest vol.11:1, March 2009 Memorial section.

originally written:

fresh snow
the things we do
no one speaks of

published as:

fresh snow
the things to do
no one speaks of

Mainichi, Daily Haiku Selection, March 13, 2009

if purple
were my color . . .
twilight snow

The Heron's Nest vol.11:2, June 2009

subway wall. . .
a poem about

Asahi Weekly #1871, Sunday, June 7, 2009


Warren said...

What's not to like about your haiku - thoughtful and beautiful.


Unknown said...

thank you Warren!