Thursday, June 17, 2010

Barry George, Wrecking Ball & other Urban Haiku


Dear fellow haiku poets & friends:

I am proud to announce the publication of my chapbook; Wrecking Ball & other Urban Haiku from Accents Publishing. A haiku chronicle of the seasons in my home city, Philadelphia, it collects poems that have appeared in haiku journal in recent years, with some new poems as well.

Perfect bound, 30 haiku, 30 pages; just $5 dollars. Reviewed in the current edition of Frogpond.

It is available from the publisher Accent Publishing:, from or from me:

Barry George
2011 Chestnut st., #11G
Philadelphia, Pa. 19103

($5 plus $1 shipping & handling, within the USA). Please make Check out to: Barry George.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A must read for all you haiku poets!! *****